Your source for Training, Coaching, and Certifications in Agile Methodologies
Scrum, XP, Crystal, Kanban, Lean, DSDM, FDD, ASD
Scrum Master, Scrum Product Owner, Scrum Developer
Individuals and interactions, working Software, Customer Collaboration, Responding to Change
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    About Agile

    • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
    • Working software over comprehensive documentation
    • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
    • Responding to change over following a plan

    Courses we offer

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    • Scrum Master
    • Scrum Product Owner
    • Scrum Developer
    • Agile Executive Seminar

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    We offer opportunities for companies to become partners, and deliver certified training, with the highest quality standards to advance the agile world.

    Latest News

    In addition to English, we provide all our SCRUM Courses and Test for Certifications in Spanish.
    SCRUM AGILE INSTITUTE releases the SCRUM Certification for Organizations.
    We provide executives and high management the necessary knowledge and skills to be able to support the implement of Agile Methodologies in their organizations.
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